Source: The Globalist
Alexander Mirtchev
and Norman Bailey
The global debt burden
appears to have gathered an unstoppable momentum, prompting divergent
reactions. The world economy cannot count on growth to solve the global debt
problem — and stimulus measures are not a sustainable solution. In the second
installment in the series “The Search for a New Global Equilibrium,” Dr.
Alexander Mirtchev and Dr. Norman Bailey explain why the solutions currently
being offered are wholly inadequate to the scale of the problem, and argue the
time is ripe for a “new Magna Carta” — a redefinition of the social contract
among the government, Main Street and Wall Street.
n.: An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slavedriver.” —
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
In the year 1204,
the doughty knights of the Fourth Crusade entered Constantinople by stealth and
thoroughly looted what was then the wealthiest city in the world. Their plunder
allowed them to pay their debts to the Venetians, who had financed the
endeavor, as well as to line their own pockets. The knights took huge
quantities of gold, silver and precious stones with them when they returned to
Western Europe.
For the first
time since the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire in the fifth
century, considerable bullion began to circulate in the “barbarian” west. This
newfound wealth led to the development of merchant banking, starting in Italy
and continuing over the centuries with important developments in modern state
finance that persevere to this day, including sovereign defaults.
In the same
period, facing increasingly acute financial problems, King John of England’s
efforts to dig out his government from a massive hole of debt (in modern terms,
approaching sovereign default) by imposing onerous fiscal demands on his
vassals, contributed to a rebellion that led to the signing of the Magna Carta
in 1215.
Among other
innovations, its provisions transformed the social contract that underpinned
British society and provided important precursors to the emergence of the
Western world as we know it.
Eight centuries
later, governments worldwide are sinking in an ocean of debt — extensive, and
in some cases untenable, liabilities and strained balance sheets. The countries
that are most visibly plagued by a combination of excessive indebtedness and
low-growth prospects appear to be the developed democracies of the West and
U.S. debt held by the
public today stands at over $9.6 trillion (not including debt held by foreign
central banks), and total debt is approaching 90% of GDP. In much of Europe,
the circumstances are even worse — Greek long-term bonds are trading at a
nearly 10% premium over the benchmark German bunds, with Portugal not far
Even Spain, where
public debt is considered relatively sustainable, is saddled with a banking
system that, according to the credit agency Moody’s, would require more than
€40 billion to restructure its liabilities. In Japan, meanwhile, debt amounts
to almost twice GDP and is likely to get much worse as a result of the recent
earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis.
Similar debt
issues are haunting a number of emerging markets, from Argentina, perpetrator
in 2002 of the largest sovereign default in history, to Dubai.
The perils of
this debt maelstrom are framed by structural distortions and systemic
imbalances — from protecting the “too big to fail” institutions to pension and
investment commitments. These problems are exacerbated by the lack of
structural solutions — not just the structure of the debt itself, but also the
divergence of fiscal strategies in a global financial system that has evolved
beyond the means of states to manage it.
the debt burden of a number of stakeholders is predicated on the existence of
large-scale and long-term commitments that are at the core of the overall
social contract prevalent in the Western world and beyond.
In U.S. parlance,
the most prominent parties to this aspect of the social contract are the
government, Main Street and Wall Street (as a symbol of the global financial
sector). The commitments embodied in these social contracts — in American
terms, consider Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — reflect economic and
financial arrangements that are increasingly becoming unsustainable.
To paraphrase
famed economist James Buchanan: Once a democracy starts down the path of
deficit financing, it will continue on that path until the path is no longer
viable, as it is always easier for politicians and governments to satisfy
constituencies today at the expense of tomorrow.
It should be
noted that the reasons for various iterations of this bleak picture in other
parts of the world are diverse. For the rapidly developing economies in Asia
and Latin America, for example, the social contract is different and less
comprehensive than in the West — and therefore requires less from the
government to sustain it.
Nonetheless, even
though personal and sovereign debt levels are relatively low in Asia, it
remains an ongoing policy consideration. And for a number of emerging and
less-developed economies in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, the underlying
reasons include insufficient resources, inefficient use of financing and
government mismanagement.
As a result, the
global debt burden appears to have gathered an unstoppable momentum, prompting
divergent reactions. Some respond with grand plans and declarations, as well as
immediate measures that, at the end of the day, amount to punting — sure, the
painful steps should be taken, but perhaps not yet. Others argue that the
longer the remedies are delayed, the more painful the solution will feel.
On the practical
side, debt problems are currently being addressed in the main by focusing on
important but not decisive matters and often tackling the symptoms (liquidity,
primarily) rather than addressing the underlying cause (lack of solvency).
Pumping liquidity
in the ocean of debt in this manner, instead of reducing the level of the
waters by improving solvency, is actually exacerbating the seriousness of debt
problems. Even more importantly, despite the immediate political imperatives
driving much current decision making, the weakening of solvency reflects the
true nature of the global financial crisis and the impending global debt
Indeed, as the rating
agencies downgrade one country after another (most recently Spain), the cost of
borrowing increases exponentially and adds to the future burden. Adding liquidity
to a solvency crisis only makes matters worse, the equivalent of giving
morphine to a person with cancer. He feels better until he dies.
In addition,
neither does “quantitative easing” help to lower the debt waters — indeed, it
has made matters worse. Instead of “quantitative lowering” of these waters, at
least in the United States, private banks and corporations are using their
excess liquidity to re-leverage at a feverish pace, thereby assuring that
future financial crises will be worse than the present one.
The respected
Boston University economist Lawrence Kotlikoff calculates that, in terms of
present value of likely and foreseeable future debt, the true measure of the
debt tsunami is around $200 trillion.
Other approaches
that have emerged range from fiscal integration of regions — which for cases
such as the European Union are constrained by the monetary straitjacket of the
eurozone — to negotiated debt forgiveness.
These approaches
could bring relief, but more likely and tragically, the resolution of the debt
issues will come through defaults and/or rampant inflation.
As always, the
ultimate hopes of addressing the issue of debt appear to be pinned on growth as
a way out of the rising waters of debt. Rightfully so. And yet, in the current
economic circumstances, growth seems more likely to come from a divine miracle
than from mere mortals making the difficult choices that must be made.
In reality, the
prospects of global economic growth in the context of prevailing indebtedness
are faced, on one side, by the Scylla of austerity measures and the Charybdis
of stimulus packages that invariably lead to higher states of indebtedness.
Essentially, a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t conundrum.
The threat posed
by Scylla entails accommodating, on one side, the imperatives for sometimes
draconian austerity measures, which could, however, have a dampening effect on
growth by restricting demand.
In Portugal, the
government has cut state pensions by up to 10%, cut public sector salaries by
5% and increased the value-added tax to 23%, one of the highest rates in the
world. Subsequently, the government fell.
Similar measures
are being taken in Spain, Ireland, Greece and elsewhere. Furthermore, the
reactions to such measures should not be overlooked — witness the
demonstrations that regularly take over the streets of Athens, Paris or Lisbon
(and Madison, Wisconsin).
On the other side
is Charybdis — the prospects for inducing growth via stimulus packages
confronted by mounting debt that can lead to stagnation. When total debt in
Japan rose beyond 90% of GDP, for example, the effect of adding further debt
was to restrict growth. In other words, in the current situation, chasing
growth to breach the surface of the ocean of debt does not break the vicious
circle — it reinforces it.
We are unlikely to
navigate safely between these two ancient monsters. There is no evidence that
the prospects for a debt tsunami would dissipate in their own right. Now that
Social Security payouts exceed income — more than $200 billion this year and
trending towards $1 trillion within the decade, according to the 2009 Financial
Report of the U.S. Government — entitlement programs in the United States are
reaching the point of no return, adding significantly to the debt service
burden each year.
Many developed
and developing economies are also exposed to increasing demands on the state to
finance a range of social commitments, from pensions to
infrastructure-development financing. U.S. states such as California, New York,
Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin are tackling budget shortfalls
of up to 30%, and cities such as Chicago are facing deficits of close to 10%.
In Europe, cities
like Lisbon, with its 7.3% deficit, are urgently looking for ways to cut costs,
while entire regions in Spain, Britain, Belgium and elsewhere are themselves
insolvent, adding their buckets of water to the debt ocean.
The examples of
the devastating effect of the debt burden range from the unsustainable premiums
countries like Greece and Portugal must incur when raising funds, to the case
of Iceland, where the whole country went bankrupt.
This is where one
must ask: What are the other options?
The key to
achieving a breakthrough in the short term is to address the issue of solvency
as a guiding light among the “grand strategies,” and tactical measures pursued
by policymakers. It has been said that no one learns anything from history,
except that no one learns anything from history.
Indeed, the debt
crisis that struck less-developed countries in the 1980s was made progressively
worse by additions of liquidity until finally, years later, solvency was
addressed through the so-called Brady bonds.
Even though such
approaches will entail sacrifices on both individual and global scales,
mechanisms with the same impact, if not of the same ilk, should have been put
in place as a form of exit strategy on the eve of the global economic crisis.
Now they are an imperative.
All the relevant
institutions — central banks and the International Monetary Fund especially —
are only able to add liquidity to ailing private and public institutions. The
governments and the private financial markets should have had in place plans to
reduce the burden of debt-ridden borrowers and add to their capital base. When
the financial crisis struck, this was done in a few cases (General Motors,
Chrysler, AIG) — but on an entirely ad hoc basis.
Efforts have been
made to utilize austerity strategies to engender a momentum toward
competitiveness and cost-cutting that would go beyond the state and affect the
private sector, thus increasing the overall solvency of a given country’s
Some of these
steps were hinted at in the cost-cutting plans of a number of European
countries, and have been mooted for the United States, too. However, applying
existing market mechanisms, such as bankruptcies, even for those entities
considered “too big to fail,” would have had a much stronger impact on the
private sector.
prioritizing solvency on its own will hardly provide a triggering mechanism for
reversing the descent toward global indebtedness and returning to sustainable
growth. A tangible input on a par with 13th century Venice and the bullion-rich
knights from the Fourth Crusade has not appeared on the horizon, and the
long-term solution cannot be predicated on the expectation of an external
What’s more, even
if such a stimulus were available, the interconnectedness of global markets
today would inhibit equilibrium. These days, robbing rich Peter to pay poor
Paul would in fact only invite more troubles for Paul. And, ultimately, it is
not the right way, despite the attractiveness of King John’s famous subject,
Robin Hood.
The realistic,
forward-looking and hopefully sustainable solution would require a new Magna
Carta. Such a solution would entail the redefinition of the social contract
among the government, Main Street and Wall Street.
The commitments
and entitlements of this social contract could be a major factor establishing
the framework for domestic and global economic relations and determining not
just today’s, but also tomorrow’s financial liabilities.
Shaping such a
bold new arrangement — a Magna Carta redux — could prove to be the responsible
way of dealing with a number of systemic imbalances and other pressing
considerations. Such an advancement would entail a number of positive and
negative strategic repercussions, depending on one’s point of view.
In the era of the
new Magna Carta, winners would be the savers, the investors in capital assets
and productive activities and those who respected the rules of the game. The
losers would be the speculators, the reckless spenders and the crooks.
Importantly, it will
provide the framework for successfully braving the ocean of debt, reversing the
global slide toward pervasive indebtedness. Furthermore, it could provide the
preconditions for a qualitatively new form of economic growth, fundamentally
altering the incentives and impediments to economic activity.
Notably, it would
also realign entitlements and rights away from the expectation that we have
all, collectively and individually, become “too big to fail.” This would also
enable the functionality of market risk, which the current social contract, in
particular in the West, has endeavored to eradicate.
Such a
transformation would allow markets to be more efficient. After all, imposing
risk outcomes is the manner in which the market operates, infuses innovation
and energy into the economy, and calibrates economic activity.
There is no
argument that the build-up of the preconditions for the 13th century Magna
Carta were, to a large extent, the result of the economic and financial nadir
of the period emerging from the previous 800 years of social, political and
economic exhaustion, often accompanied by rigid social structures, stifling
intellectual repression and constant warfare.
We should start
in earnest the redefinition of the existing social contract toward a new Magna
Carta before getting into a comparable crisis.
It is not
feasible to expect and wait too long for matters to somehow improve on their
own and continue “business as usual,” or, alternatively, to anticipate that the
social contract would redefine itself. Given the accelerated socio-economic
developments, it should not be permitted that the evolving crisis force its own
realities upon us.
From whatever
perspective one considers such a choice, it will not be an easy one. The
complexities of its implementation are mind-boggling, and going through the
process would be painful and may lead to significant upheavals.
On a brighter
note, being at this crossroads and choosing this path could lead to
similarities with the exit from the financial and non-financial lows that
presaged the European Renaissance — a new Renaissance, perhaps.

Dr. Norman A.
Bailey is an economic
consultant, adjunct professor of Economic Statecraft at the Institute of World
Politics — and president of The Institute for Global Economic Growth. He is
professor emeritus of The City University of New York — and served on the staff
of the National Security Council during the Reagan Administration and the
Office of the Director of National Intelligence during the George W. Bush
Administration. Mr. Bailey's degrees are from Oberlin College and
Columbia University. He is the author, co-author or editor of several books and
many articles.
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